My Ruby Story

MRS 009 My Ruby Story Brian Hogan



My Ruby Story 009 Brian Hogan On this episode we have another My Ruby Story and there is a good chance you might recognize him, he is one of’s panelists Brian Hogan. Aside from being a panelists on Ruby Rouges, he also has a couple other projects like as well as How did you get into programming? Brain talks about how his Dad has an old Apple 2 computer. His father was a teacher for the blind and the computer had a box on it that would talk. His Dad taught him that computers can have programs written for them and make them do things. Brain talks about having math issues one evening and his Dad helped by making a math program that would quiz him. His Dad wasn’t a programmer but he had picked up some of it from being around it. Brain talks about how the library had games you could get for the Apple 2 but you had to write code into the computer to make it work. He started tweaking the code to learn that it adjusted things in the game like the speed of the spaceship