My Ruby Story

MRS 019: My Ruby Story Eric Berry



MRS 019: Eric Berry Today's episode of My Ruby Story is an interview with Eric Berry, who is our newest panelist on Ruby Rogues. [01:10] Introduction to Eric Eric is one of Chuck's friends from early in his programming career. Eric is @coderberry on Twitter. He's been a Ruby developer for about 9 years and doing software for about 19 years. [02:15] How Eric got into programming He was hired to do HTML for a company called vLender. Eric worked in Photoshop 2 (pre-layers). He, then, went on an LDS mission and while on his mission, he built a system to track the cars and assets for the mission. Then, his brother moved out to Switzerland to join an eCommerce company. Eric bought a PHP book, read it, got a passport, and started showing up at his work. Eventually they hired him. They started shifting over to Java. They coded Java with VIM. While in Switzerland, Eric and his brother had created an app that allowed them to share photos with family back home. His brother raised funds and they moved to Engla