My Ruby Story

MRS 021: Jason Swett



Tweet this Episode Jason Swett is a former Ruby Rogues panelist and the author of Angular on Rails. He's also a contractor and corporate trainer. Jason and Chuck dive into Jason's story getting into programming, Ruby, and talk about his current and past ventures in entrepreneurship. We also talk about writing courses and ebooks and blog posts. Links: PascalGeocitiesAngelfirePerlSymfony frameworkPHPCodeIgniterDrupalLaravelLispClojurePythonDjangoRubyRailsAmir Rajan's My Ruby StoryAngular on RailsBasecampMicroconfJasonSwett.netAmazon AWSIndie Hackers PostJustin GordonJustin Gordon's episode on Ruby RoguesPhoenixElixirReactVueWebpackerPrototype.jsJQueryTodd MottoGreen BitsEmail Jason@jasonswett Picks Jason: Amazon Web Services in Chuck GitlabMattermostThe Daily LasagnaEntreprogrammersRuby Dev Summit