My Ruby Story

MRS 037: Derek Prior



Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Derek Prior This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Derek Prior. Derek speaks at conferences more often and is now a development director at Thought Bot. He first got into programming when was 7 or 8 when he got an Apple IIGS for Christmas and he started messing around with writing basic code. This really got him interested in how video games and systems worked behind the scenes and led to his interest in programming. In high school, he took programming classes and found he was actually good at it and decided to pursue programming in college. Once he was hired at Thought Bot, his developing skills really took off and he has been there for almost five years now. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Derek introBeing a good developer doesn’t mean you’re a good developer managerHow did you first get into programming?Apple IIGS as first computerProdigy and AOLVisual BasicBasic and PascalHow did you get into being a full-time developer?IBM and Microsoft internships in coll