My Ruby Story

MRS 042: Josh Greenwood



Panel: Charles Max Wood   Guest: Josh Greenwood   This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Josh Greenwood. Josh was recently on Ruby Rogues and he works for a consulting company called Test Double, where he works remotely with clients all across the country. He first got into programming because he was always around computers because of his Dad, and he always loved playing video games. His first real exposure to programming was when he found an HTML book on his Dad’s bookshelf and he used it to build a website. They talk about what led him to Ruby, what made him fall in love with programming, and much more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on:  Josh introRuby Rogues Episode 347Test DoubleHow did you first get into programming?Grew up around computersBuilt a website based off a HTML bookScripting for video gamesGeocitiesExposure to the programming worldInternational Business degreeDidn’t always want to program as a careerAprissRuby and RailsFreelancing jobLearned Ruby at internships in collegeWhat