My Ruby Story

MRS 044: Sam Aaron



Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Sam Aaron This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Sam Aaron. Sam is a programmer who likes to try to get other programmers involved and programming in creative ways. Currently, he has been making music with programming with Sonic Pi and teaching children how to do so as well. He first really got into programming when he picked up a graphing calculator when he was in school and would program games and pictures on it. They talk about what led him to Ruby and what led him to create Sonic Pi. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Episode 215 of Ruby Rogues Sam introSonic PiHow did you fist get into programming?Programming on graph calculatorsWent to university to study programmingSelf-taughtHow did you get into Ruby?Ph.D. in CSHated programmingSaw first DHH screencast on RailsLiked that he could tinker with and get immediate results back with RubyHow did you wind up doing something like Sonic Pi?MonodePlayed piano as a kidMax MspOver a million users on Sonic PiWhat have yo