My Ruby Story

MRS 046: Benjamin Wood



Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Benjamin Wood This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Benjamin Wood. Ben and his brother Josh own a consultancy company together called Hint, where they specialize in upgrading Rails apps and run He first got into programming because he was interested in computer hardware and built a computer out of spare parts for fun as a child. They talk about what led him to Ruby and Rails, what he has learned in throughout his life, especially with running a business, and much more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Ruby Rogues Episode 288Hint and UpgradeRails.comHow did you first get into programming?Interested in computer hardwareBuilt a computer as a kidGrew up in time of dial up internetDiscovered his house had two phone linesSnook extra fax line into his room to get internetFell in love with the internet as a childPHP and DSLBuilt forums to keep in touch with friendsCreated content management systems with PHPWordPressStarted a career in audio engineering