My Ruby Story

MRS 058: Aaron Sumner



Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Aaron Sumner This week on My Ruby Story, Charles talks to Aaron Sumner. Aaron is a senior software engineer at O’Reilly Media as well as runs the blog Everyday Rails and wrote a book entitled Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec. He first got into programming when his school got a computer and he took a computer class at a local community college that he took in order to learn how to write games. They talk about how he got into Ruby, what he is proud of contributing to the community, why he decided to write his book, and more! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Ruby Rogues Episode 353Aaron introWriter of Everyday Rails blog and the book Everyday Rails Testing with RSpecHow did you first get into programming?University of Kansas – Links browserWeb development in collegeHow did you get into Ruby?Perl and PHPGot to decide which stack to use at new job – tried out Rails and DjangoWhy's (Poignant) Guide to RubyWhat are the things that you get excited about?What have you done in