My Ruby Story

MRS 067: Daniel P. Clark



Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Daniel P. Clark This week on My Ruby Story, Chuck talks with Daniel Clark who is a Ruby and Rust enthusiast, blogger, and freelancer. Daniel and Chuck talk about Daniel’s background, and his past/current projects. Check out today’s episode! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: 0.00 – Advertisement – GET A CODER JOB! 0:58 – Guest: Hi! 1:01 – Chuck: Introduce yourself real quick, please, and what are you known for? 1:08 – Guest: My blog posts – I write about about Ruby. I have a few projects that are well known: Faster Path among others.  1:35 – Chuck: We had you on a past episode, 368 Ruby Rogues. Where do you write? 1:49 – Guest: I am a contractor and I write blog posts for them. 1:58 – Chuck: Let’s talk about you! How did you get into programming? 2:07 – Guest: My dad is a programmer and before 5th grade I got a computer and no Internet. I tried things to see how things worked. I wrote from the top down – recipe style. I really enjoyed programming back then. Later