My Ruby Story

MRS 077: Radoslav Stankov



Sponsors Sentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry small planCacheFly Host: Charles Max Wood Special Guest:  Radoslav Stankov Episode Summary In this episode of My Ruby Story, Charles hosts Radoslav Stankov, the head of the engineering team at Product Hunt. Listen to Radoslav  on the podcast Ruby Rogues on this episode. Radoslav was interested in technology from a young age, he was recruited by a company at a youth community center for IT support. He was interested in web development so he started to coding in PHP.  He then started learning Ruby on Rails and started working for a company which sells trucks where he built the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system  in Rails. The user interface for this ERP system was very successful and Radoslav stresses any software that can’t be used by the client can not be considered very good. Radoslav then started working for a startup which failed but there he met the team  which eventually led him to the job at Product Hunt. Radoslav and Char