Face 2 Face With David Peck

Happiness, Buddhism & Living Well



Master Hun Khemra, Noem Chunny and Face2Face host David Peck had four conversations about meditative mindsets, Buddhism, the East meeting the West, kindness, peace, happiness and contentment and its impact on all cultures and about how to live well. This is part one.Part 1 of a 4 Part SeriesThe Venerable Kassapa Hun Khamra, was drawn to the profound teachings of Buddhism at a young age when he embarked on a quest for spiritual understanding and enlightenment. His early years laid the groundwork for a life committed to the pursuit of inner peace and compassion.The Venerable Kassapa Hun Khamra is not only a practitioner but also a compassionate teacher, sharing the transformative power of Vipassana meditation with sincerity and humility. Through workshops, retreats, and personal guidance, he extends the reach of Buddhist teachings, inspiring others to embark on their own paths of self discovery and inner awakening. He believes in the importance of extending a helping hand to those in need, embodying the spirit