Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-4-1



news birthdays/events pro baseball can be expensive but what if the food was 'all you can eat'? word of the day news game: 6 year old trivia unspoken rules to live by how/where did you or someone you know get stuck news game: quiz game: feud debit cards for kids...yes or no? news what project are you currently putting off (besides taxes) experts are (again) warning: things NOT to put on social media goodbye/fun facts....Be Kind to Spiders Week and the purpose of this week is to give us the opportunity to intentionally show kindness to these eight-legged creatures. Spiders have been on the receiving end of bad publicity for eons, yet they have positively impact agriculture and pest control on a daily basis. Unlike what most people believe, very few spiders are actually poisonous. The Brown Recluse and the Black Widow spiders are the most poisonous to humans. The word ‘spider’ is derived from the Proto-Germanic word ‘spin-pron,’ literally meaning ‘spinner,’ Spiders can be found on all continents except Antarcti