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The Evolution of Opal With Elia Schito - RUBY 581



Elia Schito works at Nebulab. He is a Ruby enthusiast and move to a more supporting role for Opal development, mainly reviewing and merging PRs, handling releases, and so on. He returns to the show to talk about Opal and its new features. It is a Ruby to JavaScript source-to-source compiler. They also talk about the difference between Opal and ruby-wasm. Additionally, they discuss the e-commerce platform, "Solidus".Features recently added to Opalfreezingparallel compilationasync/await supportnative promisesio (gets/puts)bundle size reductionreadability of compiled JSruby 3.2 support (coming around Christmas 2022)binding.irbSponsorsChuck's Resume TemplateDeveloper Book ClubBecome a Top 1% Dev with a Top End Devs MembershipLinksOpal