Podcast De El Octavo Día

El Octavo Dia 24-03-2024



¡Nueva dosis de Metaaal bajo arresto domiciliario y desde Twitch! Lord Goblin - Northern Skyline Moon Incarnate - The Kraken Unleash the Archers - Ghosts In The Mist Ivanhoe - One Ticket To Paradise Winterborn - Silver Dreams Brodequin - Harbinger of Woe Stormborn - Serpentine Nocturnal Rites - Against The World Ivory Tower - Heavy Ride The End Machine - Hell or High Water Hamferd - Marrusorg Scavenger - Black Witchery Bloodbound - Slayer of Kings Savage Messiah - Hellblazer Crónica Opera Magna + Daeria Loch Vostok - The Great Wide Open