Stoic Coffee Break

231 - A Model of Thinking



The stoics teach us that we have control over a few things - our thoughts, our choices, and our actions. In short, our will. So is there a way that we can get better with our thinking, and improve our outcomes? Today I want to talk about a model that can help us be more aware of how our thinking impacts us, and with that awareness, improve our lives.You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.—Marcus AureliusEverything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Marcus AureliusOne of the most important things that the stoics teach us is that our thinking, one of the only things that we have control over, is one of the most important things in determining whether we are successful in accomplishing the things we want to in life, and ultimately what determines our happiness. Because we can only experience life through our own subjective experience, we are the ones that ultimately determine how we judge what happens to