Stoic Coffee Break

241 - Mind Over Mood: The Stoic Art of Reframing



Mind Over Mood: The Stoic Art of ReframingOne of the things we talk about a lot in stoicism is that it’s our perspective on something that causes our distress. So how do we change our perspective on things? Are there tools that we can use to help us view things differently? Today I want to talk about some of the things that get in our way of broadening our perspective, and what tools we can use to help change our perspective.It is not the things themselves that disturb people, but their judgments about these things.— EpictetusGreat minds do not always think alike.— Anonymous.One of the most important ideas in stoicism is that our perspective is what informs and colors our opinion about things that happen in our lives. Being aware of our own perspective is very challenging because we really only interact with the world through our own point of view and filters.We have attitudes and biases that we are often not aware of which affect how we interpret the world and how we decide to respond to events and other peo