Stoic Coffee Break

245 - Whining or Winning?



Do you think that life is fair? Do you think it’s unfair? Are others “winning” when you are not? Today I want to talk about how fall into a pretty bad way of thinking that reduces our ability to take responsibility for ourselves, and blame our unhappiness on the world outside of us.Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining.— Teddy RooseveltThere is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.— EpictetusFrom time to time I like to hop on the stoicism sub reddit and participate in discussions. I really appreciate is that most people are pretty thoughtful and respectful, and I often learn something new or see things in a new light. But there’s a kind of post that I see on there from time to time which I find is pretty sad. It is usually some  who is upset that they are not getting all the things in life they think they deserve. They complain that the job sucks or they’re struggling with school and the teachers