Stoic Coffee Break

272 - Drop Your Opinions, Live Your Principles



Do your opinions get in your way? Do your strong opinions cause issues in your relationships? What would happen if you weren’t so attached to your opinions? Today I want to talk about why we should be willing to let go of attachments to our opinions and how doing so can help you live a happier life.“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”— Marcus AureliusPerspectives“Be disentangled from all perceptions. They are not you.”— Brian ThompsonThe stoics talk a lot about how our opinions are one of the things that cause us the most stress in our lives, and that we can, at any point, choose to not have an opinion about something. Now what exactly does this mean? I mean, the stoics seemed to have some pretty strong ideas about what life is about and how to live. Is this is ironic? Does it mean the stoic are wrong?When the stoics talk about having an opinion on something, they recognized that an opinion is just our perspective on something. It is not something