Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-21



news birthdays/events game: general trivia word of the day news besides energy drinks and soda...what are some store bought drinks that are LOADED with sugar? game: what year was it? do you paint your front door to "dress up" your house? news do you use a top sheet or just a blanket...or both? game: everybody knows best campgrounds this summer (even for 'glamping') news feel good story of the day would you ever bet against your favorite team? goodbye/fun facts....National Flower Day happens every year, right after the first official spring day....which eminds us to pause and appreciate nature’s art. gifting flowers has always been central to life and culture across civilizations...since the beginning of time. national flower day reminds us of the incredible world we inhabit. Beauty exists all around us. and it doesn't have to be a special occasion to enjoy getting or giving flowers....or even planting some in your yard. it's also an excellent opportunity to learn about the importance of flowers and plants in