Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/10/24



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Chris Christie finally suspended his Presidential campaign. Christie is an angry, ruling-class establishment Republican from the Bush administration, and is doing what establishment Republicans always do – sabotage their opponents. The same was done in 1980 with Ronald Reagan, who won a landslide victory even with a third-party candidate. We cannot let people like Christie and John Sununu destroy real conservatives like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis while pushing the establishment candidate, Nikki Haley. Also, Congress voted to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of court, but unlike Trump allies like Paul Manafort and Peter Navarro, Hunter has not been charged with anything yet. If the DOJ does not charge Hunter Biden, then there will need to be an equal protection case, because he is getting special treatment as Joe Biden’s son and knows that if anything happens, Joe will pardon Hunter. Joe Biden is the John Gotti president and has been corrupt his entire life, but AG Merrick Garlan