Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/29/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, WW3 is upon us - with China and Iran. The Biden administration's appeasement policies have only encouraged attacks by the Iranian regime - most recently the young servicemen and women killed in an attack - all funded by the Biden administration. You don't give your enemy money, you cut off money. The enemy has to fear America - you don’t keep telling them what a coward you are. Some Republicans say you have to declare war in every instance, that’s insane and will get a lot of people killed. A President can’t declare war to Congress every time a terrorist state through its surrogates attacks us - or else Congress will be all tied up. Meanwhile, Democrats have ruined once great, beautiful cities. Gone are the days of San Francisco being safe and breathtaking. California, the most beautiful state in the country - a bastion of liberalism is ruined! Gov Gavin Newsom is trying to convience you that Biden is the greatest President. What he’s really doing ios alerting Democrats that if Bi