Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/6/24



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, America is $300 trillion in debt, and providing $14 billion for munitions for Israel changes none of that. Terrorists and terrorist nations that surround Israel are executing a new crusade, and they seek to wipe out Judaism, Christianity, Muslims with whom they disagree, the West, and anyone or anything that stands in their way. Israel is on the frontlines of this war, shedding blood to protect our faiths and history, while the Biden regime is providing tens of billions to Iran and virtually every terrorist group surrounding Israel. Also, Alejandro Mayorkas lied to Congress over and over about the security of our border and has violated his oath to uphold the Constitution just like President Biden, and both deserve to be impeached. Biden has the power today to secure the border, and it is power that has been used by presidents of both parties for decades. Later, The D.C. Circuit Court is now the most recklessly leftwing in the nation, which was the intention of Obama and Harry Re