Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/15/24



On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis testified in court and made it clear that she is a nutjob without the temperament or intelligence to uphold justice. This has turned into an IRS, FBI-level potential criminal case involving the use and abuse of taxpayer funds and failure to report various uses of piles of cash. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was in court in Manhattan involving standard nondisclosure agreements, but it is smeared as “hush money” by the Democrat media. Not a single of the 91 charges against Trump should have ever been brought, from the ballot denial case to the immunity ruling from the D.C. circuit panel. President Biden has been directly involved in several of the Trump cases, all to use Democrat judges, prosecutors, and jury pools to convict Trump and elect Biden. Also, Israel is now fighting a two-front war for its survival – one against Hamas and Iran-backed terror groups, and the other against the Biden Administration. Biden and his surrogates like Antony Blinke