Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/6/24



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, typically State of the Union speeches are forgettable. President Biden will lie about what he’s done on Thursday night. He will exploit the war that Israel is fighting. He will lie about the border and blame Donald Trump, and he will lie about abortion. What is the Democrat Party’s position on abortion? Do they want more abortions? Since the Dobbs decision, the number of abortions are higher in 2023 than in 2020. First Lady Jill Biden’s guest at the State of the Union is someone who had to travel out of state to get an abortion. People leave states all the time to get medical care. Should an entire state accommodate the individual? Later, Sen Bernie Sanders joined the late night show to complain about capitalism. He says massive inequality makes him angry, but what is inequality based on? Could be based on many things. The great danger with Marxism is that the propaganda is always about the people, always about justice. When government has the power over the economy and decides