Stephen J. Kosmyna

The Law of Assumption - Quantum Impact



In this episode I take a deep dive into the law of assumption. Consciously assuming the state of your desires and objectives, already made manifest, in thought, word and action; is the most powerful thing you can do to make a quantum leap into the realization of those desires and objectives.To make a quantum impact right now today, make this move. Move into 'being' that which you desire to experience.This is the way to accelerate your progress personally and professionally. This is for individuals and small businesses and ESPECIALLY for those of you in a corporate environment, looking to have a major impact on your culture, human behavior, performance and productivity along with the achievement of corporate goals and objectives.Remember, we live in a cause and effect universe. To experience transformation and make quantum leaps toward your goals, you have to impact cause. Influencing cause to produce a desired effect has to come from within consciousness it won't happen from outside the individual(s), through