Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-3-14



news birthdays/events what would you like to be rembered for? word of the day news is it helpful to use checklists to clean? game: classical music quiz do you prefer the nostalgia of a "original" stadium or do you want the newest and best? news bad date: man sent woman a "list of improvements"...would you welcome this kind of honesty? game: I should have known that if you had a time machine and could take a trip (from any time in history), where would you go? news gen z uses 'minor illnesses' to get our of 'adulting' game: speakout goodbye/fun facts....On March 14th, National Learn About Butterflies Day encourages us to look for a blur of color as butterflies begin migrating across the country. There are more than 20,000 types of butterflies worldwide. Butterflies in their adult stage can live from a week to nearly a year, depending on the species. Like bees, bats and other pollinators, butterflies make the difference between valuable fruits and vegetables on our tables. the monarch butterfly and the honey be