Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

Move from Fear to Gutsy Living - A Look at the Women's Empowerment Workshops



Have you ever embarked on a journey of finding your true self? Do you ever wonder when it was that you stopped dreaming? Does your life reflect your values and who you truly are? Is the story you are currently telling yourself helping you go towards your dreams or is it bringing you further away? Are your fears blocking you from moving forward? These are the questions we often shy away from asking but Maite Gomez and Sandra Reich believe they need examining. In fact, they have created an entire workshop to help empower women to ask these hard questions. Their passion is to teach women to pursue the lives of their dreams and stop letting fear block their chances at happiness. Join us for this peek into the workshops as Sandra and Maite discuss the primary purpose of their Women’s Empowerment Workshops - helping women to abstain from self-destructive behaviors, replace them with helpful, empowering ways of being, and to carry on this message of recovery to those who are suffering.