Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

Own It: How to Create Your Own Reality



Owning the reality of our lives is a daunting and sometimes downright terrifying thing to do. It means owning your problems, your goals and dreams, your responsibilities, and your daily actions. There are various reasons we avoid owning our reality: sometimes our instinct is to distance ourselves as a self-defense mechanism or to take the posture of a victim. But, what if we could all experience freedom from those fears and really OWN OUR REALITES? In this episode, Sandra and her colleague Anna Maria Tosco talk about you empowering yourself to create your own reality and disempowering those who would seek to force you to conform to their ideals. They’ll give you practical insights to help you live the life YOU really want by building on a foundation where the measure of success is completely up to you. Owning your reality will change your life and how you live it!