Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

The Slippery Slope of Affairs



A glance. A feeling. A shared bit of interest and a spark of energy. It often begins emotionally and sometimes develops into something physical. It can happen anywhere. With those you don’t expect it to: a close friend, a co-worker, another PTO parent. You guessed it, we’re talking about the slippery slope of an affair. The truth is most people do not walk down the aisle on their wedding day wondering when the affair will happen or how long it will take until they ‘cheat’. They have hopes and dreams, often idealistic, of a life together with the partner they have chosen who they love dearly. So, what happens? And how do you guard against these threats to your relationship? Join Sandra and her guest Georgia Dow as they discuss this dangerous territory and help you prevent long term damage by staying off the slope. Because once you step on it, it’s a very slippery and fast ride.