Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

Danger Ahead: Three Common Challenges in Psychology



I'd die without you. You're my everything.” You make me whole. Are these phrases the stuff of romantic comedies OR are they troubling statements? At first blush, they sound sort of sweet, but in reality they are likely signs of unhealthy relationship patterns like enmeshment and codependency. When these dynamics exist, it isn’t very sweet or romantic – in fact, it usually implies that we have lost ourselves in a relationship with another person. What about when boundaries get blurred in relationships, families or even with children? This is collusion and it is very dangerous. If any of these are left unchecked, they can lead down a dangerous path. If you are waking up to the idea that you have begun losing yourself in a codependent dynamic or living with blurry boundaries it is not too late to learn to make some changes and set up some healthy strategies! Join us as Sandra and her colleague, Georgia Dow, discuss the skills you need to create emotional and physical boundaries.