David Hathaway

Led by the Lord / Romans 4 (Part 3)



I'm believing for greater things! Even aged 91, there are promises from God that I'm waiting to be fulfilled. I know that God has not finished with me; that God has a plan for me to fulfil; and I'm holding on in faith for their fulfilment. What happened in the Bible should not just be repeated in our lives, but, because of our personal relationship with God through Jesus and the fact that He sent us that same Holy Spirit who empowered Him on earth, our experience should be greater! In fact, to those who either say that we cannot do the same miracles as Jesus, (but He said that we would do greater than He did), or that miracles ended with the New Testament era and are not for today, then why don't they live as in the Old Testament, because Hebrews 11 records incredible miracles done by those believers! If you don’t want to live as a ‘New Testament Church’, then do what they did in the Old Testament! So where are the Abrahams, Moses, Davids and Elijahs? Surely this is the whole point that the writer of Hebrews