Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

Journeying Through Grief and Dementia Together with Niesia Garza MSW, LCSW



So, let’s talk about the challenging journey of grief and dementia with today’s guest, Niesia Garza… Before we begin today’s episode, let me ask you for a quick favor… Imagine yourself as an artist with an amazing and delicate base…with beautiful patterns and vibrant colors, each representing the memories and experiences of your loved one… Now, continue to imagine that same base, but through time, see it starting to develop tiny cracks…the once vibrant colors and beautiful patterns now starting to fade away… Did you do it? If yes, how did it make you feel? Did it cause you emotional pain? Confusion? How about being anxious? Did it scare you? Because that experience, in essence, is equivalent to the one that your loved ones undergo while dealing with dementia. More importantly, it's the experience of the family members who have to provide care to their loved ones whose deterioration of brain functions has already begun. Yes, dementia doesn't just affect the person suffering from it, but also those around them.