Talking Facs

Kentucky Kinship Resource Center



Host:  Mindy McCulley, Extension Specialist for Instructional Support, University of Kentucky   Guest: Sheila Rentfrow, PhD, Kinship Program Coordinator | UK College of Social Work Season 6, Episode 35 Across the nation, nearly 2.7 million young people are being raised by relatives and Kentucky is estimated to have one of the highest kinship care rates in the country. The Kentucky Kinship Resource Center provides services to meet the unique needs of kinship providers across the Commonwealth. It's nationally recognized one-on-one peer support group, KY-KINS was named the 2023 Parent Group of the Year. Coming Soon:  Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference (click the image for additional information)   For more information about this topic: Kentucky Kinship Resource Center - University of Kentucky College of Social Work ( UK Social Work Kinship Program certified, meeting critical state need - University of Kentucky College of Social Work ( Investing in Kinship Families: KY-KINS Provides