
34. Emotional Obesity with Laura Coe



Laura Coe is an author, a blogger and certified life coach whose mission is to help people shed the emotional weight keeping them from finding fulfillment. We have habits for our physical health that are ingrained in us like showering, brushing our teeth and combing our hair, but we do next to nothing to work with the emotional weight that we carry day in and day out. Through a daily emotional workout routine, nutritional thoughts, and other tools, Laura teaches us how to peel back the layers, shed the emotional weight, and learn to be happy. So how emotionally overweight are you 20 pounds?, 400 pounds? Let's step on the scale and find out.Want to meet other Insatiable listeners? Have a burning question about an episode? Want some free coaching from Ali on whatever you are currently struggling with? Join our free Insatiable community gathering on the first Tuesday of each month from 2-3:00 pm ET. Hope to meet you soon. Visit to sign-up and learn more.