Living Free In Tennessee - Nicole Sauce

Episode 56: Letting Go in Times of Stress



Today I want to talk with you about stress and more importantly letting it go because life is too precious to waste on worry and fussing. And this year has been a doozy of a year for stress in my personal life, as well as professionally. So many ups and downs, so many reasons to lose confidence, so many reasons to thank friends and family, and so much potential for new things to come. Direct Download Tales from the prepper pantry Sweet potatoes really should come out of the ground and be set aside to cure in the mud room. All squashes are dead and we just have radishes left in the the gardens The first venison infusion has arrived and we still have some from last year that we want to eat up We got a banana tree! It has to go in the tunnel I am starting to assess winter stores of animal food to ensure we have a month’s worth extra at a time Oysters are coming on and the watercress looks about ready to harvest There is still wild mint! What we are preserving this week Loofah Preservation Support me on Patreon H