Chats With Susan Burrell

The Healing of Trauma



Ep#267 - The Healing of Trauma, An Interview with Efu Nyaki, a healer and author of "Healing Trauma Through Family Constellations and Somatic Experiencing."   The theme for this month of March is all about Potential. Our Potential. And exploring what that might look like in our lives. I am thrilled to welcome Efu Nyaki to this episode to discuss the healing of trauma. Efu is a healer and the author of Healing Trauma Through Family Constellations and Somatic Experiencing. So what is Family Constellations and why is this important in the healing of trauma? Efu describes it as a new modality that is well known to our ancestors. It is an approach that looks at problems with a systemic view. It means that when resolving conflicts within the family (or organization, community, etc.) the whole system must be looked at. In the case of a family system, the family is seen as a whole and solutions are sought through movements of the soul/spirit, as a living and active being. This type of therapy connects the family with