Conversations With Cinthia

The Paradox of Time



Human beings are locked in time while we live on the earth, and we used to know it.  The sun went down, and people could no longer see to continue working, which meant they had to end the day’s work and rest.  Time used to pace us, just as our bodies used to do.  Now, however, we seem to be in a game against time.  Our technology allows us to multitask at unprecedented levels.  We move faster and are not even aware of the moments in which we exist.  We regret the past, reliving what we cannot change, and we rush ahead into the future, planning and conquering moments that have not yet arrived -- and, when they do arrive, we are already in the next set of moments.  Our minds can go places that our bodies cannot go, and our bodies are exhausted by struggling and being left behind.  We watch each other dissociate, splitting ourselves and failing to be present where we are; this is hard on our psyches. Time is a set condition, albeit one we fail to honor in the modern era.  Time is on its own journey and has its o