Chats With Susan Burrell

Exploring The Frontiers of Your POTENTIAL



Ep #265 - Exploring The Frontiers of Your POTENTIAL - A Solo Show with your Host, Susan Burrell As we enter into the month of March I am exploring the theme of “Potential” which is our theme for Empowering Chats for the month. And of course, I had to look up the word. Here are some dictionary definitions of Potential: Possible as opposed to actual. Capable of becoming or considered a worthwhile possibility. I recently taught a workshop entitled, “Are You A Light Leader?” And in this class, we talked about the frontier of our boundaries. The boundaries being the stable thing of our awareness of what we are willing to do or not do. And I believe our boundaries can also be an extension to the frontier of where we are willing to go. Sometimes I think we need to move a bit through this fluid state of living and extend our boundaries. Think about what it means to move into a new frontier, to move beyond what was. I believe POTENTIAL is not about the outward incentive of, for example, “I need to become the CEO of my