Dr. Moe Anderson's Podcast

The Role of Storytelling in Personal Development w/ NYT Bestselling Author Bridget Cook-Burch



If you're an aspiring or published author, this is the video for you! Two multi-published authors, Bridget Cook-Burch and Dr. mOe Anderson, discuss the highs and lows of being a writer and explain why now is the perfect time to write that book!Bridget Cook-Burch, a best-selling author and humanitarian, shares her profound insights on the transformative power of stories. Discussing her personal journey and the significant life experiences that have shaped her views on storytelling, Bridget talks about how the narratives we tell ourselves can impact our lives, influencing our energies and abilities to face challenges. Bridget also delves into the therapeutic aspect of writing, highlighting how it can be a powerful tool for healing and transformation. Lastly, the conversation takes an inspiring turn as Bridget narrates a real-life story of a woman who turned personal tragedy into social change.Memorable Quotes from Bridget:"When you have power over your story, instead of your story having power over you, that is