Speculative Grammarian Podcast

Reply to Kathman (Letter to the Editor)



Reply to Kathman (Letter to the Editor); by William D. Pinkerton-Umlaut; From Volume XVI, Number 2, of Psammeticus Quarterly, February 1989 — Attn: Editors / I have never been so insulted as when I read Dave Kathman’s thoroughly unfounded attack on my work and character. I shall not even deign to defend my theories—any unbiased reader of my book will certainly see that they are well-founded and insightful. However, I must protest K’s depiction of my work as full of savage “ad hominem attacks”—but that’s the sort of unfounded charge you can expect from a self-important half-wit like K. An ego the size of his, when paired with a brain the size of a walnut, will naturally belittle that which it could never hope to understand. (Read by Trey Jones.)