Podcast Neil Wilkins

Responding to Increasing Brand Expectations



Responding to Increasing Brand Expectations "Let's not just navigate change, but drive it, shaping our future with bold, innovative actions today for a tomorrow we're excited to embrace." Increased Demand for Personalisation: Customers now expect brands to offer personalised experiences, tailored to their preferences, behaviours, and previous interactions. Greater Focus on Sustainability: There's a growing expectation for brands to demonstrate environmental responsibility, ethical sourcing, and sustainable practices in their products and operations. Expectation for Omnichannel Experiences: Customers seek a seamless shopping experience across all channels, whether online, in-app, or in-store, with the ability to switch between channels effortlessly. Enhanced Digital Experiences: With more interactions moving online, customers expect high-quality, engaging digital experiences, including virtual try-ons, AR, and immersive online environments. Immediate and 24/7 Customer Support: T