The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

How to Connect With Your Higher Spirit and Never Feel Alone



Let’s explore the power of connection and the force that surrounds us. As we go through life, we are never truly alone, there is a force that surrounds us and permeates us. This force has the potential to help us move away from worries, heal ourselves, and alleviate loneliness. However, in modern human society, we often ignore this idea and fail to tap into the power of spirituality.  In this episode, we are joined by Bestselling Author and Speaker, Agapi Stassinopoulos as she shares her wisdom and personal journey and guides us through a meditation to tap into this force that will help us overcome worries and loneliness. Additionally, in today's fast-paced and stressful world, anxiety has become a common issue for many people. The constant pressure to succeed, the fear of the unknown, and the overwhelming amount of information bombarding us can all contribute to feelings of anxiety, worry, and fear. However, according to Agapi, there is a way to reprogram anxiety and find calmness within ourselves. Together,