

As we come to chapters 5 & 6, we find Dr. Luke brings together two themes like a zipper. Jesus is beginning his ministry, and many are drawn to him and choosing to become one of his followers. Yet on the other side, many are skeptical of him, especially the Scribes and the Pharisees.   Dr. Luke is zippering these two themes together, going back and forth between the Disciples who are drawing near and the Pharisees who are keeping their distance. For today, we will focus our attention on the call of discipleship.   The Command of Jesus Jesus’ Authority is Broad He knew where the fish were, and they caught a large number (5:6a). Jesus’ Vision is Wide The fishermen caught so many fish they needed two boats (5:6b–7). Jesus’ Ministry is Stretching Just as the fishing nets were stretching, so will we be stretched in ministry (5:8–11). Jesus’ Call is Transforming These fishermen will no longer be catching fish, but men. The Companions of Jesus Jesus’ Authority is Broad Jesus c