Father Simon Says

I AM - February 19, 2024



Bible Study: (6:16) Lv 19:1-2, 11-18 What does it mean to say "I am"? Father discusses the Holy Name of God.  Letters:  (24:33) - Problem with modern translation of the Bible  (25:55) - Should I have a closed or an open one? (26:55) - Who baptized John the Baptist?  (31:24) - Left-leg genuflect once in a while? Is that OK?  (32:59) - Did Jesus actually fast 40 days?  Word of the Day: Young Goat! (35:33) Callers:  (38:45) - This weekend you mentioned that Mary was the first person of the Catholic Church. Can you clarify what that means? (41:23) - 1 Samuel 16:14 - an evil spirit of the Lord troubled him. I don't understand this part.  (44:55) -Why are there Saints in the New Testament but not the old? (46:15) - 1 Peter - He also went to preach to the spirits in prison. - who was he and who was in prison? (48:15) - I've had 2 hip replacements and I was wondering about how the church feels about that? I plan to be cremated but I'm worried that my hips won't be part of me when I die.