Father Simon Says

Raising Catholic Kids - February 21, 2024



Bible Study: (1:49) Lk 11:29-32 What is the sign of Jonah?  Letters:  (17:29) - Liturgical abuse (22:54) - Raising Catholic Kids  (27:47) - Does each priest use his own missal?  (28:58) - Is it ok to work at a place with Pride gear?  Word of the Day: Nobles (37:53) Callers:  (39:05) - Is it alright if I kneel during the offertory? (41:23) - During Lent do we only pray the sorrowful mysteries when we pray the rosary?  (43:01) - Did anyone ever plan to rebuild the temple in Israel? (45:43) - Why were the people in the OT so weird?