Nourishing The Mother

NTM 452: Moving beyond your imprint to create something different



Most of our listeners are fairly in touch with their own experience of being mothered, and based on that, will lead themselves with one of two choices: 1. Replicate the experience. 2. Do the opposite. Through heartfelt story and potent wisdom, in this episode we give you the insights to lead yourself in heart-connected mothering and grand parenting by opening yourself up to different experiences so you can create a mothering experience that is aligned and inspired, not obligated or in reaction. In this episode we discuss:- Grandparent goals- Letting your children lead themselves, and your parenting meeting them where they’re at- Allowing for a child’s normal developmental struggle, not seeking to remove it- Infatuation with your provision - Easing burden versus taking away valuable struggle - The mother archetype that gives permission to rest and return to herself - Appreciation deactivates expectation - Our responsibility is to the relationship we’re creating - Holding yourself in what’s uncomfortable so you