On Air With Ella

011: Primal Potential's Elizabeth Benton lost 140 lbs. Forever.



Elizabeth Benton spent 25 years dieting and hating her body. After years of obesity, self-loathing, dieting and deprivation, Elizabeth has lost 140 pounds that she will never see again.  How? She cracked the code to permanent fat loss, and now she wants to share it with as many people as possible. What We Talk About: - Elizabeth's journey to more than 300 pounds - The number one thing to do when you are obese and do NOT want to work out - Why “more exercise” is not the answer - Why we eat and still feel hungry - Fat as fuel – why it works - Calories: do they matter? - The 4 Golden Rules of Carbs  - How we shut down our fat burning fire without realizing it - How to eat really well AND meet your fat loss goals   SHOW NOTES: The 0-200 show notes were tragically killed, but we're rebuilding at www.onairella.com/blog The conversation continues...join me on Instagram.