On Air With Ella

289: How to Conquer Overwhelm: Zoom out for a little perspective {SOLO}



What you choose to set the power of your thought on *is* the lens through which you’ll see the world for a time, and if you repeat that pattern over and over again, this becomes how you see the world. This becomes your life. Where are you overwhelmed? What feels too big to you right now? Can you zoom out a bit? Can you exchange your microscope for a wide-angle lens as a mental exercise? Let's chat.   {REBROADCAST while Ella is on vacay! I hope this helps you during holiday season xx}     SHOW NOTES:  https://www.onairella.com/post/289-zoom-out       ----------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH ELLA: Instagram @onairwithella  Blog www.onairella.com ☎️ Leave a message: +1 (202) 681-0388  ----------------------------------------- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  Can you take 32 secs leave a review? Click here, scroll to the bottom, and tap five stars. Then click "Write a Review." Leave a comment and we might read it on the air!  ----------------------------------