On Air With Ella

305: The Holy Grail of Vitality, Longevity & Performance: NITRIC OXIDE - Dr. Nathan Bryan



"If the fountain of youth were discovered, it would be filled with Nitric Oxide." What is Nitric Oxide and why is it so important to "anti-aging," sexual and athletic performance, and longevity? Dr. Nathan Bryan shares: The surprising ways we disrupt Nitric Oxide production  Erectile dysfunction (in women and men) and the role of Nitric Oxide The dire consequences of mouthwash, antacids and fluoride on your Nitric Oxide production Are beets really "the Nitric Oxide superfood"? Debunking Nitric Oxide supplements  Skincare and Nitric Oxide - the relationship between aging skin and declining NO How to boost Nitric Oxide production through lifestyle and supplementation - what actually works!    SHOW NOTES & LINKS: https://www.onairella.com/post/305-nitric-oxide      ----------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH ELLA: Instagram @onairwithella  Blog www.onairella.com ☎️ Leave a message: +1 (202) 681-0388  ----------------------------------------- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  Can you take 32 secs leave a review?