On Air With Ella

312: Procrastination, Self-Sabotage & How to Get Unstuck - Britt Frank



"Your brain is wired to keep you alive, not to keep you happy." - Britt Frank What is really going on with all that procrastination and self-sabotage? What if our problem isn’t a lack of motivation? What if the solution is something other than beating ourselves up or just trying harder? But how do we make the leap between thinking and doing? In this episode with Britt Frank: Why don’t we do the things we know we’re supposed to? Why can’t we think ourselves forward when we feel stuck? Why are the words “lazy” and “unmotivated” completely false? Procrastination and self-sabotage and other fallacies that keep us stuck The difference between accountability and shaming Motivation and brain function - what actually works SHOW NOTES: https://www.onairella.com/post/312-get-unstuck  Follow Ella on Instagram @onairwithella  PARTNER PROMOS: Shop organic, hexane-free Castor Oil - 10% Off Code: ONAIRWITHELLA10 for any order of $59 or more! Shop Kion Amino Acids - promo code ONAIRELLA Have questions or feedback?